Dr. Sandeep Kumar Singh
Founder President
Indian Scientific Education & Technology Foundation
Dr. Sandeep Kumar Singh is the Founder President of Indian Scientific Education and Technology (ISET) Foundation. He is a well-trained neuroscientist with a strong background in Biochemistry and Biomedicine. He was honored with Ph.D. degree in Biotechnology from the most prestigious institution, the “Capital of Knowledge†Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP, India in the year 2015. His research interests are in neurodegenerative diseases-in particular Alzheimer’s disease. He has more than 9 years of experience in neuroscience research. He has used animal models system to investigate the therapeutic potential for Alzheimer’s disease using synthetic as well as natural compounds in Drosophila as a model system. He has worked as Postdoctoral Scholar at Neurobiology Department, The University of Chicago, USA. He is currently working as Research Associate at Centre of Biomedical Research (CBMR), SGPGI Campus, Lucknow, U.P, India. Dr. Singh has published his research work in journals of international repute such as, (Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, Current Neuropharmacology, Open Biology (Royal Society), Neurotherapeutics, Neurotoxicity Research, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, BBRC, Neurochemical Research, Neuroscience Letter, and Current Drug Metabolism etc.). He has been also credited with 1 Book and 4 book chapters. He is also the member of editorial boards of several international journals related to field of neuroscience. He served as Guest Editor and handled a special issue in Frontiers in Neuroscience. He is also the member of several scientific societies viz. Indian Academy of Neurosciences, Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of India, American Academy of Neurology, International Society of Neurochemistry, American, and Society of Neurochemistry. Dr. Singh has been also appointed as Bentham Ambassador by Bentham Science Publisher (USA). He has attended several scientific national and international conferences/symposium/workshops in India and abroad and presented his research work. As a resource person, he has delivered lectures and seminars in various schools and colleges across the country.
Research Interest

Dr. Uqbah Iqbal
a Socioeconomic Researcher at Research for Social Advancement
Research for Social Advancemen
Dr. Uqbah Iqbal is a Socioeconomic Researcher at Research for Social Advancement. Winning Second Place in Malaysian Historical Essay Writing Competition 2013, he was the recipient of Research University Fellowship Scheme, Graduate on Time Award and Outstanding Student Award from Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities as well as the Youngest Ph.D. in History Holder and the only Malaysian achieved a Ph.D. in History in conjunction with the 43rd Convocation of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He's authoring notable books/ebooks such as The Historical Development of the Malay Nationalism Before Independence, The Historical Development of the Malay Society Economic Nature During Pre-Colonial Era, The Historical Development of British Investment in Malaya Before the Second World War, The Historical Development of Foreign Investment in the Formation of the Malaysian Economy and Sejarah Pemikiran Pandang Ke Timur: Kepentingan Jepun Dalam Pembangunan Sosio-Ekonomi Malaysia (1906-1980). His publications have appeared in a wide range of international and national journals such as TAWARIKH, SUSURGALUR, Management and Administrative Sciences Review, Social and Basic Sciences Research Review, Jurnal Kemanusiaan, Jurnal Sejarah, Jurnal Pengajian Melayu, Jebat, International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Asian Social Science and Geografia. He's also actively in the editorial board such as Asian Social Science, International Journal of Art and Literature, International Journal of Archaeology and History, American Journal of Social Sciences, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, History Research and Pratidhwani the Echo. Through his involvement as a reviewer with the Nonfiction Authors Association, 15 of his reviewed books received Awards.
Research Interest
Alberto Carrara
Director of the Neurobioethics Research Group - UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights at APRA and UER
International Institute of Neurobioethics
Alberto Carrara, born in 1980, priest of the Congregation of Pontifical Law of the Legionaries of Christ (2013), Academic and Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV, 2016), Chemical-biological laboratory technician (1999), Doctor of Medical Biotechnology at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Padua (2004; 2007), Master's degree in Philosophy (Master's degree with specialization in Philosophical Anthropology, 2011), Doctor of Theology (2013). At the Pontifical University Regina Apostolorum in Rome he carries out the role of: Coordinator of the GdN, the interdisciplinary research group in Neurobioethics; Professor of Philosophical and Neuroethical Anthropology (Faculty of Philosophy), Professor of the Master in Science and Faith and of the Diploma in Bioethics; Fellowof the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights and Lecturer and Member of the research group of the ISSD, Institute of Higher Studies of Women. In 2015 he was Professor of Neuroethics at the Faculty of Law and since 2017 he has been Professor of Neuroethics at the Faculty of Psychology of the European University of Rome (UER). In addition, he is a lecturer recognized by the MIUR and a member of the Scientific Council of SISPI, the International School of Specialization with the Imaginative Procedure; he is a member of the scientific committee of the BR (Brain Research) non-profit foundation; Member of various ethics committees, including that of BioRep, srl; Member of the Neuroethics Society and SINe, the Italian Society of Neuroethics.
Research Interest
Philosophical anthropology, biotechnology, neuroscience, neuroethics or neurobioethics, bioethics, philosophy of mind, psychiatry and psychology.